Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ah the joys of bike riding...

Well it's been since 2005 since I laid it down... Iv'e seen some nasty wrecks in that time. Happy to say none of them were mine. I guess I was due. My face is "real purty". That and my wrist took the blow... no road rash on the legs arms or hips... really odd. It was this strange uphill crash, just wandered off the edge of the parkway while taking in the view... pretty lame, but if this is my one crash for the next 3 or 4 years... hey, I'll take it. All the joy that I have racked up in the last few years has been well worth it. I started eating some small solid food today... that's good I figure in a weeks time it will be but a memory, roll by the store and get some vitamin E or something now that everything is solid. It stinks that I didn't shave my face before the wreck... I am kinda stuck with it for a week or two. I think I'll go out tomorrow night... most of the pain should be gone by then, and my face is a good convo starter...

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