Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Dry i am.

I am making this announcement publicly here. Calling myself to the carpet and making this official. I resolve to not drink in 2009. One notable exception, a glass of Wine with Dinner if and only if everyone else is doing it and it would be totally awkward to not have one in front of me. Right now, this is easy, very easy to manage. Monday night, a few too many. Felt kinda ok in the morning. Then Last night, Sam's Birthday. A few more too many. Got up in the morning, considered a boot. Couldn't quite make it happen.

Rode my bike down to Moe's to get a Homewrecker and Queso. Food usually fixes my hangovers, and Burritos or "babies" as I like to call them and my ace in the hole when it comes to hangovers. Alas! I could only eat half of what I ordered. I bagged it up to go and rode home utterly defeated but at least basically blown homeward by the strongest north winds I have seen around here in months. I'll eat the rest before I head down town to see Donna the Buffalo.
I had planned on Taking my last drink before midnight, you know, get a good little buzz going and then rock out and sober up after midnight... but I'll just go ahead and make it a year and a day. This makes my last drink a doozey. Sam poured up a double shot of Vodka. Like regular old vodka, not even fancy pants vodka. After a nice gag face and slobber mouth, I washed my mouth out with water. Damn that stuff is good... Water, i mean gotta love it. It's basically free, it keeps you alive and whatnot.
Not to put any Pressure on the guy, but Dan Cannon said he is going to stop drinking too. I think we BOTH think, yeah right I'll believe THAT when I see it.
I am planning on being really productive and super healthy in 2009. And there is one other thing. The money, I mean ho- li- crap. holicrap.

A typical -oh group week in the life of Doug Methvin.

Monday, Quizo. a few pitchers at $10 each with the Discount and then usually a high end scotch or two. THEN on occasion another bar depending on what is going on. bare minimum, $40.00 on Monday night just to the drink.

Tuesday, sometimes nothing... sometimes a few depending on whatever. Lets say $10.

Wednesday. Boy's night and sometimes 80's night. $12 bottle of wine and then pbr or makers at Broadways. Lets average that part to $10 a week. So $22 on Wednesday.

Thursday. No weekly plan but Surely we can average $5 per week.

Friday. NOTHING, it's typically the day before a race and I have to have my shiite together.

Saturday, It's After a race and time to celebrate. Lets give it $15 on average... and that is probably a conservative number.

Sunday, it's after a soccer match and we go to the pub. Also easily $15 on average.

I can easily see $107 a week. 5 grand a year? 5? 50 Benjamins? damn. I could think of some cool stuff to do or buy with 5K.

So there you have it. And anyway, I always liked doing extreme stuff. Just going way out there to an extreme and seeing what it's like "out there".

I throw caution to the wind here on this last day of 2008 when it's gusting up to 60 miles an hour. How very appropriate.

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